Monday, September 17, 2012

Chapter 11

In chapter 11, Billy is describing a scene in which his dog has fallen into the icy river.  He is describing the scene as it unfolds.  We left off and his last thought was his dog was going to fall in and die and he couldn't do anything to save her.  With you best ideas,  I want you to describe how you would feel if you were Billy.  What would be going through your mind as this was happening?  What would you do?  YOUR BEST IDEAS!!!  MAKE CONNECTIONS!!! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 was about Billy trying to catch a coon so he could train his dogs.  He couldn't catch one and had to go to his grandfather for help.  His grandfather's trap seemed pretty simple and he didn't think it would work.  He worked hard and finally ended up catching a coon.  His persistence (hard work; never giving up) paid off.  I continue to be surprised by how hard Billy works.  What do you think about his work ethic?  Does he work harded than anyone you know?  Does he remind you of anyone? 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Where the Red Fern Grows

During chapter 6, Billy finally shows up at home.  His father isn't that upset with him.  I was expecting him to be in big trouble and maybe be grounded or something worse.  What do you think of his parents reaction?  Did you think their reaction was different from what you thought?  Post your comments on the chapter.