Thursday, October 11, 2012

End Of The Hunt

At the end of the last chapter you read yesterday, I hope a feeling of elation (meaning happiness), came to your mind.  Seeing someone's hard work pay off like his did, hopefully makes you see what hard work can do.  You also see his family have this same feeling for him.  I love this and hopefully you are making a connection with something in your life.  Reading is about making connections to things in your life.  Tell me what connections you made, how you feel, or anything else from this chapter. 


  1. I am really happy that the dogs won the tournament. I am also happy to have found out that they won all that money and gave it all to his mother. I'm glad that his grandfather is okay.

  2. I felt very happy for Billy becausse he had worked so hard for the gold cup and then he was genrous enough to give it to his littlest sister and then the silver cup from the beuty contest to his other sisters. Then he gave the money he won to his parents.

    1. Yeah i think billy is really nice to his family

    2. I was also very happy because Bily worked so hard and he got what he was working for his whole life.

  3. I felt happy for him because he deserves what he earned. I was also proud of him.I think that if your a hard worker you can achieve almost anything.

  4. The connection I made is that he will do anything for his dogs because his frends are his dogs. I am happy that he won the goald cup and a silver cup but he did not get a cup at all.

  5. i agree with krazzy kid

  6. I was surprised that Billy got the silver cup, gold cup, and the box of money and happy but still surprised that Billy gave the gold cup to the smallest sister, the silver cup to the older sisters and the box of money went to his mom, but I'm glad that the family is okay.

  7. i feeled good and that they would have won and then they got to gole cup and one siver i thout they did good theat is what i feeled like

  8. I am happy that he won all that stuff and that he won everything. I would be crying if I won all that stuff.

  9. I can't belive he won the gold metle and that he gave all the money to his mother that was nice of him

  10. I was happy because he won all the stuff and if i won i will be so happy.

  11. I can't belive that billy and his dogs won the golden cup and him and little ann won a sliver cup for the beatuy contest and why did he put butter in her hair to keep it to look shiny

  12. I was happy that Billy won the silver cup from enterning little ann,Billy is smart he knew what things did he need to make little ann clean and pretty.
