Friday, October 5, 2012

Big Moment

We came to a big moment in the story.  They are on the last night of the hunt and a big storm sets in.  Everyone is really worried about not being able to get back to camp and possibly freezing to death.  They have suggested leaving the dogs behind, but Billy will not listen to this.  I love his desire and vigor!  He won't leave his dogs behind because they mean so much to him!  I think I would be the same way.  Eventually, they find the dogs, but they lose Grandpa!  Little Ann, the extremely smart dog she is, finds him and he is hurt pretty badly.  Reply to this post.  How did/would you feel during the storm?  What do you think might happen next?  How are they going to survive this storm?  Will these problems ruin their chance at winning the hunt? 


  1. I thank that they should get grandpa and then they should go running so then can serve.

  2. I would be so worried! I think that someone will go back and get help.

  3. I was so worried when his grandpa twisted his ankle and they couldn't find him and i thout his grandpa died but on the bright i think he is going to win

  4. I think that they will find a coon or two and they will find a back to camp.

  5. I would so scard. I think thay will drag him to the camp site.

  6. I would agree with krazzykid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I think one of the men will go back and git help and that they still have a chance to win the hunt!

  8. I think one person sould go get help and the other people make sleter.

  9. Think that maybe some persons would find them and bring them back to the camp.
