Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Latest Chapters

So I think it's good that people are starting to accept Auggie a little more than they had.  I think it helps him feel a little more normal. 

Bun then there is Via.  She has a big issue with Auggie and he finds out why she kept the play a secret.  Interesting. 

Then their dog is dying. 

It's interesting how you can be in a big fight with someone, but then something big happens, like a dog dying, and you tend to forget why you were really fighting in the first place.  You actually begin to realize that whatever it was you were fighting about doesn't even compare to what just happened. 


  1. I also like how Aggie is accepted by most of the kids. It is really weird that the dog was very sick right as they were fighting. But I wonder if Aggie, and Via will talk to each other as much as they used to because Aggies own sister does not want him at the play. Mosley because he looks different then other people.

    1. Interesting take on their relationship. I wonder if it will not be the same since she feels this way.

    2. I think they will talk but not at the moment !!

    3. yeah and again who cares if Auggie looks different if I saw Auggie I would be his friend instantly

  2. I am not to happy with Via right now because she has never had that problem with Auggie or has she and just never told?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think she has but just didn't tell yet in the book

  3. So I think it's good that aggie is getting treated right! His sister is maybe jalousie and I thinking of maybe his dog is just sick or he could be dyeing! Even though I got my thought out I cant wait to know what happens next!!!

  4. I agree with Eli I am not very happy with via I think she is being a mean friend to Augie. I wonder if they will be come friends again

  5. I hope that Auggie and Via will like each other again because I liked how they bonded with each other and I also hope that there dog is ok

    1. And 1 more thing auggie is getting girls to like him

  6. I fell bad for august because his family was fighting and now this dog is dying. I hope thing start to get better. I'm happy that the kids are starting to be nice to august.

  7. I wonder if Auggie even likes his sister anymore after he knows that Via doesn't want Auggie at the play. I Think its strange that Daisy got sick when all the fighting was going on.

  8. Keep in mind how close their family was to the dog.

  9. I like how more and more kids are getting to like Auggie and I upset at what Via did to Auggie . It makes sense for daisy to die because she Is get old and she does not need to suffer any more .

  10. True I agree with you because if my dog was dying I would forget all about the fight to if I where him.

    1. I would want to come with my mom and dad to make sure my dog or dogs were ok

  11. I don't like how Via doesn't want Auggie to come it makes me mad. Mabey Via just got really mad and that stuff that she said. I feel bad for Auggie now he just had a good relationship with his sister and now that could of ruined it.

  12. I wonder why they dog got very sick when they were fight. I cant wait till we read more. I think the dog is sick because I don't know what would make him be dying.

  13. I think that its really cool how people are trying to get to know August because they want to. If they didn't want to be friends with August I think they would be showing it because in the beginning of the book they always looked away quickly or avoided him but now everybody found out that August is really funny and nice I think that they wished that they made an effort to get to know him earlier and not have bullied him.

  14. i would be sad if my dog was dying. i would forget the fight and live on the rest of my life.

  15. I like that Aggie is being treated like one of the other kids at school too. I was shocked that Aggie called himself a freak in the story.
